Law 4961/2022 on emerging information and communication technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), Distributed Ledger Technology (D.L.T), smart contracts, constitutes an attempt to regulate the exploitation and use of AI technologies in the public and private sectors.

New rules are introduced to ensure that AI technologies do not lead to undesirable ethical consequences in the workplace and illicit interference with the fundamental rights of the employees.
The main provisions of the enacted law regarding the private sector, include the following:

A. Obligation to provide information on the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace.

When using AI systems which affect any decision-making process concerning employees (or potential employees) and have an impact on their working conditions, selection, recruitment or assessment, enterprises must provide adequate and clear information to each employee. These information shall include -as a minimum- the parameters on which the decision is based following the principle of equal treatment and the fight against discrimination in employment and occupation.
Any breach of this obligation is subject to sanctions by the Hellenic Labor Inspectorate.

B. Artificial Intelligence Systems Registry.

Any medium or large entity (with an average number of 250 persons employed), shall keep, in electronic form, a register of the AI systems which it uses either in the context of consumer profiling or in the context of the evaluation of its employees or natural persons cooperating with it.

C. Ethical data usage policy.

Any medium or large entity shall additionally establish and maintain an ethical data use policy, which shall include information on its measures, actions and procedures on data ethics when using AI systems.
The provisions of the enacted law do not affect the rights and obligations provided in the GDPR and Law 4624/2019 on the protection of personal data.

D. Reforms on Distributed Ledger Technologies (D.L.T.)

* Data records or transactions can be made through a blockchain or other D.L.T.
* A smart contract binds the parties upon completion of their accession to it.
* D.L.T and smart contracts may be parts of a main contract concluded in another way.